Monday, January 21, 2008

First post.

This morning I woke up and starting lvling my BLU from 36 and got to lvl 39. Nice amount of EXP. I had gotten 2 pt's today and had leave so I can spend time with my WHM. Right now i'm trying to look for a pt while writing this I hate looking for a pt. I really wish that my AH stuff would sell so that I would have more money to buy stuff. I have when my stuff don't sell....It's always the stuff I make that there are alot of right when I put it in, don't make no sense.../sigh. Oh well it should sell one day. Hopefully I get a pt soon I want to get lvl 40 atleast by tonight.

1 comment:

o04 said...

I dont see how you lvl so damn fast. More WHM time less FFXI time ( Yes, please.) lol.