Thursday, February 5, 2009

LS bank

I think that an LS bank isn't that good of an idea for reasons that are my own and things

that I have experienced in my time in ffxi. First of all, the talk of funding all low lvl

members of the LS is a good at heart idea but can blow up in our faces the most.

1. A low lvl member has to learn first of all that farming for gil is part of the game and

if you hand feed a player all the gil he needs to lvl to 75. What will he do then? If he

lvl's another job will he be funded again? no. He has a lvl 75 and will now help us make

money for others? or quit our LS with what items he has recieved and join another LS that

makes money for themselves or more altogether. I myself have farmed many many many days. I

like the game, and farming is part of the game. I don't like that part that much but still

it is part of the game. If a person didn't ever farm alone or learn how to farm, they won't

want to. They will want the free money. What if a member didn't wanna help to make the gils

for the new members in the LS? do we boot them? take the stuff we gave them back somehow?

Or just watch them /point and /laugh at us as they drop the pearl? I'm not questioning

anyone in the LS's integrity or anything i'm just saying.

2. What will the high lvl farmers get in return? Nothing? More money for a bank that we

can't touch cause it's for the low lvl members? Who will hold the gil? Anyone can do

anything with it. Speaking from experience, I had a friend that owned a LS for sky that

also held the bank. One day he decided that another member was making him mad and wanted to

leave the LS, so what he did was say his account was hacked on the LS web site and left the

server saying he didn't wanna stay on that server if he was being hacked by ppl that were

taking the LS bank gil. And took all the gil and went to a different server and no one knew

he wasn't hacked or anything, how would you unless you knew him in RL. Once again i'm not

saying our bank holder will do the same it's just a thought on the matter, shit happens,

ppl get mad, ppl also wanna leave.

3. From what I hear we are farming a Hagun for Kiro? I'm not saying I don't like the idea

of farming for Kiro it's just that does he just get a Hagun straigh off the bat? Just first

drop here Kiro lot it, it's yours? and no one else gets anything? a Hagun is almost 3mil.

So what we're saying is that if I lvl SAM, I can get a free Hagun? A Martial Bhuj,

Mercurial sword and Kris for my WAR and enhancing sword for my RDM? Can I also farm a Zahak

Mail for my DRG? I don't have one of those yet, and just everyone pass it to me with not a

care in the world? And all I have to do is set an event? cool i'll set an event everyday of

the week for things that I want. I know that Kiro is the LS leader, and he wants to be a

good LS leader both to us and in game as his SAM. But I think that if we farm for things

like Hagun we should split the gil between who was there helping to buy what they want

with. And for the ppl that want a certain item like Hagun i'll see you at the runs alot I

assume til you make the gil to buy one. It wouldn't be fair to give a member any member a

item for free and no one gets anything because he or she can use it unless it's R/Ex. If

it's sellable say bye as it enters the AH and you get your cut for it.

4. The LS bank isn't that bad of an idea but only with not so much money in it, 9 Haguns

worth of gil in the LS bank is 27mil. All for our new members? How do we even know they

will attend our events once they hit 75? Cause they say they will if they get 75? i'm not

saying they're lying but still. How many LS members got a 75 job without help? am I the

only one that feels this is possible? I got it 3 75 jobs about to be 4 without the help of

others money that I got for free.

But I do think that there can be a LS bank. But not for the reason that Kaijin

wants it for although it sounds really good. I feel that we can start a bank with a small

percentage of the gil earned in the money making runs. Not 27mil. If we start doing any

kind of events we have to start small with the low lvl new members, Maybe with garrisons or

other low lvl events that members can attend. We can implement a small type of point system

for the events like 1 point for attending the event and that 1 point can be saved or traded

to the LS bank for like 5k gil. 5-10 points can mean that if you wanna get a R/Ex Item that

you need alot of help for, use those points and set an event for it. We duduct the points

and as many ppl that can will help you get it. This can also be talked about, I know we

should be helping members all the time but face it, we have 30+ or so members that will all

need things done and not alot of ppl in that LS that can help. I also know that Kiro hates

point systems, But I don't want a crazy ass point system just a point system, this will

show who helps with what and who we think is the most helpful. If we don't do this we will

make alot of 75's out of our lower members that don't like to help with anything. We have

to find out who will help us in making this LS a good one. I can like some and others may

not. for example Luna can help the most helpful out of everyone, But if Neph was the only

one on when shes' on she isn't considered a helpful member to our LS? Not fair right? If we

can have someone record all the points that ppl attended and earned no one can say who is

right or wrong that person attended the event and earned that point regardless of who likes

him or her they are helpful. And we need helpful ppl. As for me I like to help ppl when I

can as some of you may know, but, I would much rather lvl or farm for the gear that I need

also. Don't mean that I won't help just means I like to do that for myself.

5. And for our higher lvl LS member us doing all the farming and things like that can

basically show the other members that they can make money like this too with us when you

get to lvl 75. Some might think it's a bit mean but other will think of it as motivation to

get lvl 75 with us and farm with us when they do. Why would you want lvl 75 in a LS that

the 75's are making no money for themselves and freely giving away money to the low lvl

members? This alone can create craziness in the LS what if ppl start tell friends about

what we do and they join us with a lvl 10 character nations changed and get all the gear

from us thinking that they are new get to 75 and leave? haha on us? I'd rather not.

5. I'm not saying any of this cause I don't like or trust anyone, it just needs to be put

into consideration. Cause if it's not then I don't really want to be a part of it. I like

the LS members in the LS. But whose to say that myself or Neph being an ass or another

member having a bad day won't have other members that we funded quit or leave our LS cause

they are mad? it's practical right? What do we do then? /sigh as another member leaves with

the gear that was free givin to them?

6. I don't really want to hear that I give any money to Ches cause I treat her exactly like

how I wrote down in this entry, she has to earn her own gil thru means of farming and she

knows that. The only thing I really help her with is if she wants to go farming with me. I

would even sit there in windy to fish with her to make sure that she knew how to make some

gil if she needs it. I can't give her all the gil she would ever need and I wouldn't if I

could. She has to learn to play the game herself, or the day that I stop giving her gil is

the day she starts hating the game when she has no gil to get stuff.

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